



An in-car touchscreen that enables you to warn other users – and be warned – about checks, hazards and obstacles on the roads.

It started out as a system for speed control and speed camera warnings but using Framti capital and expertise, Safedrive is becoming one of largest operators in road safety in Norway.

The Assignment

The founder of Safedrive approached us with an idea for an in-car touchscreen that could warn of checks and hazards on the roads. A few years earlier, he had been working with an SMS notification service for radar controls and was looking for a partner able to assist with both product development and capital.

When we choose to become an investor we choose an investment combination that includes expertise and product development and not just solely capital. We quickly saw the potential of the product here and the possibilities for scaling up. We are also quite harsh in seeing whether a founder has the ability to execute and we found bucket loads of it here.

It was then just a matter of driving it forward.

The Challenge

Nevertheless, it wasn’t an entirely “straight road” to becoming the success that Safedrive is today.

Corona gave us a few headaches and among other things, led to a shortage of microchips and other components that we were entirely dependent on. We also had to develop a scalable software in which new services can be implemented as they are developed. At the same time, it shouldn’t be a distraction to the driver or provide false information – and it has to work every single time. In addition, it has to withstand large variations in temperature and the technology could not in any way interfere with the other electronics in the car.

The Solution

One of the main reasons we were so successful with Safedrive is probably found in our ability to implement quick turnarounds and find flexible solutions.

To meet the challenges with the software, we had to develop it from scratch and we spent many hours developing new algorithms. We saw pretty quickly that it was smart not to lock ourselves into specific components, so we redesigned the electronics using a completely modular adapter solution so that it could use several different microchips.

In addition, we are good at seeing when the product is ready to be released to the market, which is especially crucial for start-up companies that need turnover. Many founders get lost in the abyss of fine-tuning but it’s also an art to be able to say that now it’s good enough – it’s all about learning and experience.

Today, more than 50,000 people in Norway drive around with a Safedrive product in their car that provides ongoing warnings and information that makes it much safer to travel on the roads. And there are still a number of opportunities in the technology that we have the ability to develop further. That’s something we are very proud of.

«We consider ourselves lucky and are happy to have chosen a partner that is as solution-oriented as Framti. We wouldn’t be where we are today without them.»

Magnus Wester, Owner and General Manager, Safedrive